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What is Keyword Research For SEO | Complete Beginner’s Practical Guide 2022

💁‍♀️💰🔎 Choosing the right keywords is a crucial component of writing web copy and compelling content for your company. These phrases can convey who you are, what you provide, and, consequently, the types of clients who would be most likely to be interested in your goods and services.

Utilizing the right keywords in your content can draw readers and attract potential customers.

Organic and paid searches account for 68% of all trackable website traffic. They both depend on keywords. Also, know what is off-page SEO and how you can optimize it properly.

You can further guarantee that any leads you generate are warm by strategically choosing keywords that relate to your product or service and give potential customers a good reason to be interested in your company.

Better sales and conversion rates result from this. However, you must use the appropriate keywords if you want to see the desired results. There is a reason why 71% of marketers use strategic words as their top search marketing tactic.

Our step-by-step guide to what is keyword research, explains how to research the right keywords in 2022 for maximum results. Also, providing some of the most crucial & useful tools for keyword research to make your content & site rank perfectly.

🚀 Without further ado, Let’s get started …………..

👉  What is SEO Keyword Research?

In order to strategically use popular search terms that people enter into search engines like Google so that your content shows up higher on SERP (search engine results page), you must conduct keyword research. Keyword research is a fundamental approach for ranking your site & plays a crucial role in search engine optimization.

Choosing a topic for your content that is focused on a group of targeted keywords that you want your content to rank for is the 1st step in the process of keyword research for SEO.

🔷  Recommended:  Go through this complete practical guide to what is YouTube Ads & how you can optimize them properly so that you can stand out from the crowd and strengthen your sales & conversion rates.

👉  The History of Keyword Research

Keyword analysis for algorithms has been done by SEOs since 2005. But since then, the practice of keyword research has significantly changed. When ranking content, search engines now give priority to well-written content that is in line with search intent.

The most crucial element for search engine optimization is no longer keyword density, or how frequently you use a keyword in your content. The strategies for conducting keyword research have changed and are still changing to keep up with search engine algorithms.

Typically, keyword research is done at the beginning of campaigns and can serve as the basis for upcoming tasks, initiatives, or pieces of content. In order to come up with ideas for a new piece of content you’re writing, choose names for the features of your products, or optimize your website or webpages after they are life, you can use keyword research.

We’ll look at a variety of best practices to help you find the right keywords for your audience at the right time. Of course, keyword research strategies vary from small business to enterprise. Keep reading this complete guide to What is Keyword Research For SEO to get in-depth knowledge of it.

🎁  Recommended:  Struggling with content duplicacy? This complete guide to what is plagiarism will help you make unique content in no time.

👉  Importance of Keyword Research To Boost Your Brand 

You must have wondered whether keyword research is essential at some point in your SEO journey.

Well, the straight answer to this — Y-E-S!

Keyword research is one of the key elements that differentiate two similar websites in terms of popularity.

Businesses can better understand search intent by conducting keyword research. The importance of search intent has increased because Google and other search engines prioritise the user experience above all else.

Businesses can develop better content strategies and deliver targeted content that can increase traffic to their websites by understanding the intent of the keywords or search phrases that people use to find information. There are 4 types of search intent:

1-  Informational Intent

Users who are searching for information are interested in learning more. Users look for educational or up-to-date keywords to learn more about a particular subject. “Blogger outreach tools” is an example of a keyword that provides information. Also, get to know the deep concepts of what is on-page SEO so that you can heighten the growth of your SEO activities on a daily basis.

2-  Navigational Intent

Instead of typing the target URL directly into the address bar, a navigational search query can be used to find specific pages or websites by entering brand-related keywords. “Facebook login” is an example of a navigational query.

🔷  Recommended:  Go through this complete guide to what is Instagram Ads & how you can optimize them properly so that you can stand out from the crowd and strengthen your sales & conversion rates.

3-  Transactional Intent

A transactional query is one that has the goal of making a purchase of a good or service. Transactional queries indicate a user’s readiness to convert, not necessarily that they will make a purchase. A keyword with a transactional intent might be “guest post services,” for instance.

4-  Commercial Intent

Users use commercial search intent queries, which may or may not directly lead to sales when they are unsure of which good or service to select. The majority of these queries return information that aids users in choosing a product. “iPhone 11 review” is a prime example of a keyword with commercial intent. Keep reading this complete guide to What is Keyword Research For SEO to get in-depth knowledge of it.🔷  Recommended:  Complete guide to what is Snapchat Ads & how you can optimize them properly so that you can stand out from the crowd and strengthen your sales & conversion rates.

👉  Top 10 Benefits of Keyword Research in SEO 

The queries, problems, and solutions that your target audience is looking for are revealed by keyword research.

Your SEO campaigns should be built around this analysis, which will also help to guide your organic and content strategies. The first step to effective SEO is selecting the right keywords and conducting thorough research.

By optimising your website and producing content for the right keywords, you can drive organic traffic that is typical of your ideal client. Because keyword research helped your website rank better for their searches and your site best suited their needs, which encouraged them to click through, some of those people will be prepared to convert. 

Here are a few additional advantages of keyword research:

1-  Efficient Working

By getting the content produced using those keywords in front of the target audience and generating new and potential customers, using keyword tools and SEO keyword analysis saves time and effort.

One can focus more on important tasks because of the time that is saved during the process. Also, read what is affiliate marketing to start your affiliate journey from scratch to advanced & make passive income with less efforts.

2-  An engaged audience

You want to produce content that interests your customers and potential customers. By conducting keyword research, you can find out what your audience is looking for. After that, you can write or make content based on that.

Blogs, videos, eBooks, white papers, infographics, and other types of content can be included. The crucial factor is that your prospects want to find out more. Keep reading this complete guide to What is Keyword Research For SEO to get in-depth knowledge of it.

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3-  Increased conversion

If you produce content that your potential customers find interesting, they will be curious to learn more. But how can you tell if the right people are seeing your content? Check your Google Analytics once you start to rank for the keywords you researched.

You can determine from the statistics whether website visitors are viewing or downloading the content. They ought to browse other pages on your website and remain on this one. Otherwise, the key phrase (or phrases) might not be exactly correct. Keep reading this complete guide to What is Keyword Research For SEO to get in-depth knowledge of it.

🔴 Recommended Blog For You: Want to expand your social media marketing strategies to boost brand awareness, visibility, conversion & sales?  Go through this Snapchat for Business (2022): The Complete Marketing Guide With Proven Strategies

4-  Marketing trends insight

By researching keywords, you can gain knowledge of current trends and the behaviour of your prospects. Keep abreast of the trends and issues that are significant to your audience and use them to inform your content.

🔷  Recommended:  Go through this quick guide to what is domain name and what you need to know before choosing a strong domain. 

5-  Prioritize your time

Knowing which keywords to target will help you strategically produce content that is pertinent to your objectives. This enables you to maintain your efforts’ focus and direction. Don’t forget to keep gradually adding new content. Long-term, this will have a significant impact on the volume of traffic to your website.

🔴 Recommended:  Start boosting your freelance copywriting career with the right guidance then this complete guide to What is Freelance Copywriting: Ultimate Beginner’s Guide 2022 || Zero to Mastery Level is the go-to option for you

6-  Expand your net

Search for relevant, related keywords as your website rises in the rankings for the targeted keyphrases. Then increase the amount of content that focuses on those extra keyphrases. 

Try long-tail search terms if your website is new or isn’t ranking well for searches. SEOmoz estimates that long-tail searches make up 70% of all searches. You most likely used a long-tail search to find this article. Keep reading this complete guide to What is Keyword Research For SEO to get in-depth knowledge of it.

7-  Increased Quality Traffic

Everyone should practise using keyword search tools to find keywords for business success. The traffic it draws will be of high quality when relevant content is created using the right keywords.

🟡  Recommended Career Guide:  Go through this complete practical guide to What is Digital Marketing and how you can optimize it to strengthen your brand and increase sales & conversion rates. 

8-  Customer Acquisition

If your company offers the information that other business professionals need, you can meet their needs and give them a call to action that will take them through the buyer’s journey from the awareness stage to the point of purchase.

You can answer the questions that the majority of people in your audience want to know the answers to by researching keywords for their popularity, search volume, and general intent. However, keywords themselves are because Google has advanced past exact-match algorithms. Keep reading this complete guide to What is Keyword Research For SEO to get in-depth knowledge of it.

🏆 Bonus: You can enhance your affiliate marketing skills if you want passive income for a long time. For that, you must follow this full guide to what is affiliate marketing guide to start your affiliate journey from scratch to advanced. 

9-  Place keywords in the right spot

After you identify your ideal keywords, then you need to put the keywords in suitable locations. (This will have a huge effect on your organic search ranking.) Make sure your chosen keyword is not only mentioned in your content. It should also be placed in your page title, alt text, URL, and anchor text. This helps the search engine match the keyword to your content.

The largest benefit of keyword research is it can help your company or organization break into new markets. It also strengthens your visibility. It also helps define content that centers around a specific theme or audience.

🟡  Recommended: Follow these top Digital Marketing strategy complete guides which will help you get the best understanding of how to plan each and every step perfectly and help you convert the clicks into conversions.

10-  Keywords vs. Topics

It seems like every time we turn around, someone is telling us how much SEO has changed in the past ten years and how little of a factor keywords are now in our ability to rank well for the daily searches that people conduct.

This is true to some extent, but from the perspective of an SEO expert, it’s a different strategy. Instead, it’s the purpose behind the keyword and whether or not a piece of content fulfils that purpose (we’ll cover purpose in more detail in a moment).

But that doesn’t mean the practice of conducting keyword research is outdated. I’ll explain:

If you use the right SEO tool, keyword research will also reveal the degree to which those topics are actually popular with your target audience.

The key word here is topics; you can identify and group your content into topics you want to write about by looking into keywords that receive a lot of monthly searches. Then, you can use these topics to determine the search terms and keyword phrases you want to target.

 🔴 Recommended Career Guide:  Get to know the latest updates for the scope of digital marketing in 2022 so that you can build your digital career in the right direction.

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👉  3 Major Elements of Keyword Research

When doing keyword research, there are three key components to consider.

A-  Relevance

According to relevance, Google ranks content. The idea of search intent enters the picture at this point. If your content satisfies the needs of the searchers, it will rank for that keyword.

Additionally, the query’s best resource must be your content. Why, after all, would Google give your content a higher ranking if it offered less value than other online content? Keep reading this complete guide to What is Keyword Research For SEO to get in-depth knowledge of it.

🟡  Recommended Guide for Skills:  Get to know Top Digital marketing Skills to boost your digital career in the right direction and help you land a high-paying job.

B-  Authority

Google will give sources that it deems authoritative more weight. This means that you must exert every effort to establish yourself as an authoritative source by enhancing your website with educational and helpful content and promoting it to gain social signals and backlinks.

You have a lower chance of ranking unless your content is exceptional if you aren’t recognised as an authority in the field or if a keyword’s SERPs are stacked with authoritative sources you can’t compete with (like Forbes or The Mayo Clinic).

🟡  Recommended:  To boost the off-page strategies in the right direction, you need to use the top-quality high DA PA Profile Creation Sites which can help you get rich backlinks. 

C-  Volume

Even if you end up on the first page of search results for a certain keyword, no one will ever visit your website as a result. It is similar to opening a store in a deserted city.

MSV (monthly search volume), which represents the frequency of the keyword across all audiences during a given month, is used to quantify volume.

👉  Best Strategies to Find Keyword Research Ideas

1-  Brainstorm a list of topics 🧠🤔

Here, you need to think of subjects in which your audience might be interested.

For instance, if you run a link-building agency, you should consider

“What is my target audience looking for?”

You may consider the following topics like:

  • Content writing
  • Guest Posting
  • White Label link building
  • Do-follow links
  • No-follow links

Please take note that these are merely topics, not keywords. We will therefore now discover how to select keywords.

🟡  Recommended:  To boost the off-page strategies in the right direction, you need to use the top-quality high DA PA Article Submission Sites which can help you get rich backlinks. 

2-  Understand How Intent Affects Keyword Research and Analyze Accordingly 🔎🔑

The ability to rank highly on search engines like Google is now largely dependent on user intent, as I mentioned in the previous section.

Today, it’s more crucial for your website to address the issue a searcher was trying to solve than it is to simply contain the keyword they used. How does this impact your keyword research, then?

It’s simple to take keywords at face value, but beneath the surface, they can mean a lot of different things. You need to be especially cautious about how you interpret the keywords you target because the searcher’s intent is so crucial to your chance of ranking.

Consider a scenario in which you are looking up information on how to start a blog for an article you plan to write. What a searcher is looking for when they use the keyword “blog”—which can refer to either a blog post or a blog website—will affect how your article is written.

Are you looking for information on how to start a blog post individually? Or do they want to know how to start a domain for a website specifically to blog on? You should confirm the keyword’s intent before using it if your content strategy only targets those who are interested in the latter.

It’s a good idea to type the keyword directly into a search engine to see what kinds of results appear to confirm the user’s intent. Assure Google that the content you intend to produce for the keyword is closely related to it.

🟡  Recommended:  To boost the off-page strategies in the right direction, you need to use the top-quality high DA PA Profile Creation Sites which can help you get rich backlinks. 

3-  Fill in those topic buckets with keywords 🎯🔎

Once you’ve decided on a few topic buckets to concentrate on, it’s time to figure out some keywords that fit into each one.

These are keyword phrases that you believe are crucial to rank for in the SERPs (search engine results pages) since your target audience is likely searching for them.

For instance, if I were an inbound marketing software company and I chose the last topic bucket, “marketing automation,” I would come up with some keyword phrases that I believe people would search for related to that topic. 

These could consist of:

  • what is marketing automation?
  • marketing automation tools
  • how to use marketing automation software
  • top automation tools
  • how to tell if I need the marketing automation software
  • lead nurturing
  • email marketing automation

And the list goes on. This step is not intended to help you create your final list of keyword phrases. You simply want to come up with a list of words and phrases that you imagine customers might use to look for content under that specific topic bucket. So that you don’t have something too tedious, we will later refine the lists. Keep reading this complete guide to What is Keyword Research For SEO to get in-depth knowledge of it.

🟡  Recommended:  To boost the off-page strategies in the right direction, you need to use the top-quality high DA PA Web 2.0 Submission Sites which can help you get rich backlinks. 

4-  Research-related search terms🔎🎯🔑

When conducting keyword research, you might have already had a creative idea for this step. It’s a great way to add to those lists if not.

If you’re having trouble coming up with additional keywords that people might use to search for a particular subject, look at the related search terms that show up when you enter a keyword into Google.

You’ll find some search suggestions for your initial phrase when you type it into Google and scroll to the bottom of the results. These keywords can give you suggestions for additional keywords you might want to think about.

Want a bonus? Enter a few of those related search terms and check the terms that are related to them. Just like this, Youtube search results also help you in assisting some of the most important keywords that people are searching in the search query. You can use it for your ranking purpose as well as you can find out the monthly search results of those keywords in free keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner

#️⃣👉 Get to know how to use Hashtags effectively if you want to boost your social media engagement. 

5-  Use Google Keyword Planner to cut down your keyword list 📃👈🔑

You can estimate search volume and traffic for keywords you’re thinking about using Google Keyword Planner. Then, use Google Trends to fill in some gaps using the knowledge you gained from Keyword Planner.

Use the Keyword Planner to highlight any terms on your list that have an abnormally low (or excessively high) search volume and don’t support you in maintaining the balanced mix we discussed above.

Check the keyword’s trend history and projections in Google Trends before you delete anything, though. You can determine, for example, whether some low-volume terms might be something you should invest in now and profit from later.

6-  Prioritize low-hanging fruit 💡🧲💁‍♀️

Prioritizing low-hanging fruit refers to giving top priority to keywords for which you have a chance of ranking based on the authority of your website.

Since these brands are already well-known, Google typically rewards large businesses that target high search volume keywords with authority across a wide range of topics.

You might also think about using less competitive keywords. If no one else is vying for the top spot for a keyword, it can be yours by default if there aren’t already multiple articles competing for it. Keep reading this complete guide to What is Keyword Research For SEO to get in-depth knowledge of it.

 🤑  Bonus For You:  Also if you’re looking to create a website, blog, or online store, Bluehost can help you get started with a hosting plan tailored to your specific needs with 24/7 technical support.

7-  Check the monthly search volume (MSV) for keywords you’ve chosen 📆📅🔎

When writing content, you should focus on what readers want to learn, and checking MSV can assist you in doing that.

The number of times a search term or keyword is entered into search engines each month is known as the monthly search volume.

Free resources like and Google Trends can assist you in determining the most popular keywords among related keyword clusters.

🔴 Recommended Blog: If you want to build an effective email approach then this complete guide to what is email marketing will help you to heighten your email open and click rates.  

👉  18 Top-Performing Keyword Research Tools For SEO

Based on the ideas you’ve already generated, keyword research and SEO tools can assist you in developing more keyword suggestions using exact match and phrase match keywords. The most well-liked ones consist of:

  1. Ahrefs Keywords Explorer
  2. SEMrush
  3. Ubersuggest
  4. Google Keyword Planner
  5. SECockpit
  6. Keywords Everywhere
  7. Moz Keyword Explorer
  8. Keywords Everywhere
  9. Keyword Snatcher
  10. Google Trends
  11. QuestionDB
  12. Serpstat
  14. KWFinder
  15. Soovle
  16. Keyword Insights
  17. Jaaxy
  18. Google Search Console

🎃 Recommended:  For best digital marketing results, get to know what is content marketing deeply & the proven content marketing strategy which can assist you in the right direction without any confusion and will help you to spread your rich content effectively.

👉  Suggested Stack Regarding keyword research tools

So what tools should you get for keyword research? My recommended stack consists of Keywords Everywhere and Ahrefs. Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO tool that does more than just find keywords; it also helps you rank your website. Additionally, whenever you conduct a Google search, Keywords Everywhere enables you to view search volume and keyword suggestions. Plus it’s free, so what’s not to like? Keep reading this complete guide to What is Keyword Research For SEO to get in-depth knowledge of it.

 🔶  Recommended Review: Getting the right hosting services from a top hosting company will help you to strengthen your brand automatically and for that, you must go through this Bluehost Review 2022 to know which hosting plan will be great for your site.

👉  Best Keywords for Your SEO Activity?

Understand this properly: There are no “best” keywords, just those that are highly searched by your targeted audience. With this in mind, it’s up to you to develop a plan that will assist you in ranking pages and generating traffic.

Consider relevance, authority, and volume when choosing the best keywords for your SEO strategy. You want to look for popular keywords for which you can reasonably compete based on:

  • how tough the competition is that you face.
  • Your capacity to create content that is of a higher quality than the currently ranked content.

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👉  Conclusion: How Can You Take Your Keyword Research Strategy To The Next Level?

Hope you found this complete guide to what is Twitter Ads helpful. Here is a quick summary of everything we discussed what is SEO keyword research:

  • Any SEO campaign must conduct keyword research, which cannot be neglected or ignored lightly.
  • Keyword difficulty and search volume can be misleading. Before you make a choice, conduct some additional research by entering the keyword into Google and examining the results.
  • Don’t let the low search volume fool you. Ubersuggest or Ahrefs can be used to examine the search traffic to the top pages to determine the actual search volume.
  • Search intent is paramount. Make sure the content you produce is in line with what audiences want to see (and what Google is already showing).
  • Track down keyword silos. A shortcut to ranking your pages more quickly may exist.

And that’s all there is to it! For more help with SEO, click here to read my step-by-step guide to what is SEO or reach out to Marketing Fundas top SEO services in Delhi, which can help you drive more traffic to your website fast.

💬✍ Feel free to comment below if you have any questions regarding digital marketing blogs & courses. We’d love to read your comments & assist you in solving your problems. 

🏆👉 Also, read other quick guides mentioned below which will help you boost your digital journey. Contact Now to get best-in-class digital marketing services in Delhi from Marketing Fundas experts team. 

Happy Marketing! 😀👉📲💻📢

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Manish

    Very nice stuff provided.

    1. Marketing Fundas

      Glad you found this article valuable. Thanks for your lovely comment 🙂
      Keep following Marketing Fundas blogs for more informative digital marketing tactics, jot down important points and enhance your strategies. 🙂✌

    1. Marketing Fundas

      I’m glad that you found this article helpful. Thanks for your valuable comment 🙂
      Keep following Marketing Fundas blogs for more informative digital marketing tactics. 🙂

  2. jsv it solutions

    Thanks for the information. I’ve been doing investigations lately and found this article and liked your input.

  3. Taniya

    Thanks a lot for sharing this information about keyword .very useful blog keep it up.

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